Unravelling Words

July 2020

This month, I have taken 4 quotes to explore through practice. Each of them gives a theme that we unravel throughout the class, from non-judgment to transcending judgement and lowering down our barriers to love.

From an anatomical perspective, each class focuses in different ways on opening up the front body as we connect in to the heart centre. It can be intense, to place so much focus on one aspect of the body, and so I invite you to approach this month with caution. And trust in your intuition to pace yourself how it feels right. Take time to journal and reflect, and know that you can always come back to earth at any time if it feels too much. It’s such a beautiful experience to feel, and so maybe this month will initiate lots of that, but maybe it won’t. Non-attachment, non-judgement, let it be what it is.

This month, we are trying out a new format for the meditation. While it will still be on the website as a video, there will not be an actual video attached. Of course, with the meditations, we don’t really need a visual reference and so we wanted to make the most of the podcasting microphone we have to upgrade the sound quality of the meditation even more! So, this way, you can press play and you can tune in without any distractions. I hope you enjoy it - and please do send your feedback!

New this month:

A heart-opening flow to transcend judgement towards ourselves.

A nourishing flow to fill up your cup.

Transcending Barriers
A flow with focus on your shoulders and heart to release resistance.

Feel the Love
A slow flow to dive into the sensations of your practice.

From the Heart
Coming into the spiritual heart centre of the body as we focus on carrying the compassion from the heart into the day.