Exploring Movement

June 2020

This month is all about exploring movement at different paces to connect to our own sense of rhythm and flow as we move and breathe. I have always enjoyed the freedom of moving in different ways on different days, and so this month, I wanted to open up the possibility to practice at YOUR pace.

Each of the flows are set around a similar movement framework - so you will find a sense of familiarity threaded through each - but the way in which we move in each practice will be different, giving you plenty of opportunity to choose and explore in a way that serves you best.

I invite you to take the opportunity to really tune in to what you need before choosing class, perhaps even using the meditation first to help you gather information about the body, mind and breath so that you can move beyond impulse and truly connect to what is the most nurturing space for you in that moment.

The yin class will follow the same framework too, so I hope it helps you to create some stillness whilst still feeling in connection to the physical elements of this months classes.

New this month:

To practice with elements of flow and stillness.

A practice to bring you into continuous movement and breathe.

A stronger flow to build a little heat and focus.

A flow to settle into stillness in body and mind

15-minute breathe based meditation to connect you to the rhythm of your breathe.