Layer by Layer

May 2020

This month, I invite you to come into a practice of moving through layers to find a greater sense of connection.

When we filmed these classes, the world looked very different to how it does right now, and for many of us, what we need is a little different. And yet the intention is still so fitting - it’s funny how it always seems to work out that way…

In each class, we will use repetition in movement, or in focus, to allow the body to slowly unravel, shedding layers of tension and bringing ourselves deeper and deeper in towards our centre, our truth. At a time where there is turbulence around us, we can tune in to this centre as an anchor for our own sense of clarity, finding a depth, a rhythm and an experience that meets us where we are in the moment.

I have found so much power in the exploration of layers and I hope it resonates with you too. The beauty of it is that you can build and build or shed and shed and soften in to each practice as a new experience as you find depth and space. I invite you to step in slowly, to feel your way through, and let where you are be enough each time you step onto your mat. And for those of you craving something a little more dynamic to help shift stagnant energy at this time, you will find the opportunity is there to move a little more strongly this month…only if you choose to of course.

New this month:

Layer by Layer
A flow to build layers and find connection.

Focus on the Core
A flow to strengthen our body's support network.

Dancing Warrior
A flow using warriors to find familiarity and let go.

Soften and Release
A gentle flow to release tensions layer by layer.

Finding Clarity
A meditation to settle the mind.