Spring Clean

April 2020

It feels as if there is so much I could share right now in hope that it supports how ever you might be feeling at the moment and I was worried that having recorded this month's videos several weeks ago, I could have been more apt with the intention. However, I took some time to consider it all and realised that in fact, the timing for this month's series in a broader contact actually feels really right and fitting.

I've been learning a little more about Ayurveda, the sister science of yoga. Winter and early spring is the Ayurvedic kapha season, which is governed by the elements of earth and water. The qualities of these elements (heavy, cold, wet, sticky) can mean we experience stagnation in body and mind - respiratory congestion, sluggish digestion, slower metabolism, lowered immune system, winter blues - it's all part of a yearly cycle explored in these ancient systems of life science.

At this time of year, we can encourage a lifting of the downward kapha energy by introducing stimulating practices into our days. Cleansing breathing and building on the more dynamic elements of our yoga practice can help to stimulate from the inside out, encouraging increased vitality again as we head towards the spring!

With so many of us at home right now, or out of our regular routine, I feel there is a great opportunity for this sense of Spring Cleaning as we recalibrate to a new way of being, existing in simplicity and clearing out that which we don't need. And so here are our practices for the month, in the intention of Spring Cleaning. I hope you enjoy them and I look forward to hearing how you get on.

New this month:

Strengthen and Energise
A flow to encourage movement.

Twist it Out
A flow using twists to energise the body.

Let it Go
A flow to create space and vitality in the body.

From the Inside Out
A yin class to nurture the body & boost vitality.

Spring Clean
A meditation to clear out old energy.