Exploring Ahimsa

March 2020

Ahimsa. The first of the yamas.

Ahimsa, loosely translated to non-violence, is the first of the yamas in the teachings of yoga. This guiding principle on first look seems so simple, but when we scratch the surface it holds a wealth of teaching to explore.

 The very nature of our being is that there will be harm. Our own mortality for instance, could be perceived as an example for this. We must sustain ourselves in this lifetime and through doing so we will cause inevitable harm on the environment whether we intend to or not. Learning to forgive that of ourselves, and to reconsider our intentions as we navigate through the world is all part of following ahimsa. 

Ahimsa - Intention. Compassion. Forgiveness. Truth. Our four classes this month as we explore the richness of teaching encompassed by this seemingly simple word.

New this month:

A flow to help shift our focus to the positive.

A flow to open our hearts.

A flow to practice letting go of judgement.

This yin class has been created about ahimsa, non-violence and how we can commit to developing our compassion through forgiveness.

A meditation guided by non-violence.