Like a Bird

This month on the practice, we are taking inspiration from the sky.

Well, kind of…it' s a bit of a loose thread considering I don't usually theme classes around poses, but this month each of our classes have been created to highlight a pose with a birds name...rolls of the tongue doesn't it...

New this month:

Bakasana Flow

A flow focusing on tethering the awareness to the breath while exploring movements towards Bakasana.

Bird of Paradise Flow

There's so much opportunity for expression and freedom when you think about Bird of Paradise. This practice will hopefully give you the opportunity to explore that and move in a way that feels good for you in this moment.

Eagle Flow

This class uses garudasana [eagle] as a focus to open up the shoulders and hips.

Sleeping Swan

Despite being called sleeping swan, this is a yin class that will explore without a focus on a fixed destination. Use it as a opportunity to really relax down and take some wonderful shapes through the body - including sleeping swan!


"When you are convinced that all the exits are blocked, either you take to believing in miracles or you stand still like the hummingbird. The miracle is that the honey is always there, right under your nose, only you were too busy searching elsewhere to realise it." - Henry Miller

This meditation offers us the stillness from where we can notice what is in font of us.

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