The Great Vow

This month is all about Ahimsa - the great vow.

In the yoga sutras, the philosophical text, Ahimsa is the first of the Yamas and as it precedes all of the others it lays the foundation upon which our entire practice is built. Ahimsa is non-violence and everything we do as we navigate life both on and off the mat is guided by this principle.

And so, as a yogi, we take the great vow of Ahimsa.

New this month:

Living into Ahimsa
A contemplation of ahimsa, the great vow of our yoga journey and its application beyond asana.

Lokah Samastah Sukinah Bhavanthu
May all beings everywhere be happy and free”

Body Earth Mind
We have these three homes and in class we explore how to take care of them in alignment with the great vow of the yogi, ahimsa.

Love-yin Kindness

A yin class which is all about offering yourself this compassionate time in alignment with the exploration of The Great Vow - Ahimsa - our intention for this month. An opportunity to be really kind to yourself. To be soft and lean into that yin nurturing energy.

Jemima Davis