Cultivating Practice

This month we have structured classes a little differently. I wanted to give you the opportunity to really dive into a daily practice, with 7 days of asana and an additional daily meditation and pranayama class. This is all about showing up with consistency, and committing to a regular practice. That doesn’t have to be daily, but if you’re here for that then the classes this month are going to really support you in cultivating that deeper commitment.

We’re also welcoming the wonderful Lorna Mann to The Practice this month to share with us some powerful journaling prompts to help us reflect, focus, and discover our goals. Whether you are new to journalling or just curious about putting pen to paper, there is no light brighter than this woman to guide you.

New this month:

30 minutes

A 30 minute flow with Monday's in mind [although you can of course practice it any day]. The intention for this class is to set you up for the day or week ahead and allow you to arrive into your body and breath. Hopefully, it supports the way you step off the mat and carry your practice forwards with you.

30 minutes

This is an energising practice to help lift your energy, perfect if you're in need of a little pick-me-up.

30 minutes

A 30 minute class that focuses on opening up the hips - a part of the body that can hold so much of our tension. Use this practice as an opportunity to release that tension and find a sense of flow in our movement, our body, and our breath.

30 minutes

A 30 minute class that explores backbends. We're approaching these in a really nurturing and expansive way - find space here rather than forcing yourself into any movements or shapes. Allow yourself the time and experience to explore.

30 minutes

A slow flow created with Friday's in mind but, of course, you can practice this class on any day of the week. This is an opportunity to rest into the space you've created in your day in a deeply nourishing, slow flowing practice.

45 minutes

A 45 minute class that's perfect for a Saturday morning (or any other time in your week) when you want to centre yourself, energise the body, and clear the mind.

60 minutes

A 60 minute class designed with Sunday's in mind, when time is a little more free and available. It's a slow flow to start and we end in a delicious yin practice. It doesn't really matter what day of the week it is that you're choosing this class, the idea is that it's deeply nourishing and hopefully leaves you feeling calm and relaxed.

Also new this month:

15 minutes

A journaling guide that invites you to break down your goals. We start by acknowledging how we're feeling before Lorna asks the really juicy questions that will encourage us to really discover what our goals and their motivations are and, hopefully, set us on the path to work out how we can reach them.

10 minutes

An opportunity to tune in and focus on the present. Lorna takes us through a series of prompts to support us in this intention.

10 minutes

A reflective journaling session that Lorna encourages you to complete at the end of your day.

Reflective II
15 minutes

A longer reflective journaling session. Lorna invites us to clear our thoughts before we begin and then guides us through some prompts that will help us reflect on how we spend our time, and the people we communicate with [or perhaps don't communicate with] to name a couple.