
This month is all about resetting body and mind to help you find a renewed energy and sense of balance. There’s a bit more of a mix of styles this month, too, including 2 vinyasa [one with a strong focus]; a slow flow to help shift any energy that may be weighing you down; a restorative practice to help quite a busy mind; and of course our meditation which is a daily check-in to serve as a reminder to take a step back from your day and check in with how you are.

And not just that - there are 4 extra practices in the studio this month. They’re much shorter in length, but they’re the perfect daily practice designed for different moments throughout the day - morning, midday, evening.

New this month:

A vinyasa practice to revitalise and reenergise body and mind through movement, breath and intention. Not recommended for pregnant people.

slow flow
A slow flow to support a sense of renewal by shifting whatever it is that is weighing you down (physically, mentally, emotionally) and activating a nourishing sense of flow.


A soft class that offers you the opportunity to reset. We take a very gentle approach to our practice to help quite a busy mind and release any tension from your body.

vinyasa [strong]
An empowering flow to support you in realising all that you are, detaching from the idea of needing to be anywhere else. We also break down headstand to support you in the building blocks of this pose without fighting to reach the final posture.


An opportunity for you to take a couple of moments to arrive into yourself and to meet yourself where you are.

Also new this month:
[a collection of shorter classes]

Daily Dose: Morning

A 20 minute yoga flow that looks a lot like what I do on a daily basis when I'm rolling out my mat in the morning. I don't want to think too much but I just want the opportunity to move, to breathe, and to connect before my day begins.

Daily Dose: Midday

This 20 minute vinyasa yoga flow is designed to help you find a sense of connection in the middle of your day. Ideally you won't have just eaten lunch as we'll be working with a few twists. Committing to a full 60 or 90 minute practice everyday isn't always possible, so building in small habits throughout our day will actually help us to connect to our practice more fully.

Daily Dose: Evening
slow flow

A 20 minute practice that's perfect for the evening. Perhaps you’ve had a busy day but you’ve found your way to the mat which is often the hardest part, so all you need to do now is be here and trust in this process of the practice to guide you wherever it is you need to go.

Daily Dose: Breath

A daily dose of breath to help you find a little bit of centring a little bit of connection, wherever you are in your day. You can do this as standalone practice or you can combine it with any of the other classes here on my youtube channel. Turning to a short breath practice is often my default when I feel like I need to hit reset in my day - I hope you’re able to find some grounding from it too.