
July 2021

This month we are working together to cultivate courage on the mat to support you in carrying that courage with you beyond the mat. This intention has come through a curiosity around 'aparigraha' which is one of the yamas and the way that we attach ourselves to what or where or who we think we should be. So much of how we operate collectively is about holding on to what we already have or where we want to get to, and sometimes we become blindsided by that goal.

Now when we dig a little deeper, what I notice in this space, is that we are operating from a place of fear of losing what we have or not getting what we want. And so to shift from this place of fear, we have to shift to living from the heart, stepping into moments with courage in order to overcome those fears, and loosen the grip. And in doing so we can carry our practice beyond the mat and into the moment to moment experience of life with love. And so my invitation is for you to use this month to explore what courage means to you and how you can nurture it through our practices this month and beyond, living boldly, bravely and from love.

New this month:

A ladder style flow to cultivate courage in an around the heartspace.

Soften the Grip
A class to cultivate a sense of support and safety to allow you to loosen the grip; physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Moment to Moment
A flow that focuses on conscious transitions, letting go of what the flow looks like to tune into the movement and how it feels.

Toe to Head
This yin class shifts the focus area from the feet upwards throughout the practice to explore how we can loosen the grip when we feel safe and supported.

Cultivating Courage
A meditation to step into your courage through our practice to help you see that there are endless possibilities available to us if we are able to let go of fear.

Also new this month:
[a collection of shorter classes]

Wake up
10 minutes of yoga to wake up our body, connect to our breath and set ourselves up for the day ahead. We don't waste any time and get straight into it so shake and/or wiggle out any stiffness that you feel before we start!

Post-Run Stretch
A 10 minute yin yoga designed specifically for those of us who like to run as it focuses on area of the body that tend to get pretty tight from the repetitive movement of running. If you're not a runner, this class is definitely still one to give time to - perhaps you're naturally quite tight in the lower body, perhaps you're short on time, or perhaps you just need a little stretch.

A Little Courage
A short exploration of cultivating courage in your moment to moment existence.

Movement & Breath
A practice to create space in the hips and groin through breath and movement.