
June 2021

As we bring ourselves to the mat this month, we celebrate this space and this practice as a home for us all. This is your invitation to Homecoming, but this time its not about how you look or what you wear - its about showing up as you are, acknowledging our collective resilience and feeling into the wisdom within you to find a sense of home within yourself and this community.

This month is all about rediscovering your true essence through the pathway of practice and shining a light on all that you already are

New this month:

A strong, twisting practice to ignite tho core.

A flow focusing on shoulder opening and creative movement as we build a sequence towards dancers pose.

Space Between
Exploring space to soften our reactivity and invite in the radical compassion to align with the value of ahimsa.

An invitation to show up as you are, leaving the ego at the door.