New Year, Same Me

I want to start by wishing you a Happy New Year. Although I can already sense the pressure that wish applies…It’s all with good intention but it’s funny how that well-used line holds so much when we dig a bit deeper.

And then there’s the juice cleanses, the detox, the ‘I’m going to exercise every day’ and ‘do dry Jan’, and the mounting list of pressures that we might write down as new year resolutions…It’s a LOT!

Now I should pause here to acknowledge that some people are much more goal oriented than me, and while I definitely like to have things to aim for here and there, I take a much more laissez-faire approach when it comes to actually achieving these things and I wanted to share why. In short, it is about finding flow.

In my teens and early twenties I was a goal setter. I would attach to ideas in my head of what was good, or successful, or what I wanted my life to look like. And in the process of moving towards them, there were things in my control (how hard I worked, my attitude, the way I behaved etc.) that made a difference, and then there were all the other things outside of my control that could also influence the way things went. Over time I realised that the more I gripped to the end goal, the more disappointing it was if it didn’t turn out the way I wanted it to. Plus, in the process, my goal posts had often shifted and what I thought I wanted wasn't really what I wanted anymore. Woah.

So then what? Do I just draw a line in the sand and proclaim no more new years resolutions for me? Well maybe, but there is something to be said about that fresh sheet in your diary [not quite the same on ical, but you know what I mean] and ‘365 days of opportunity…so I try to strike a balance between looking forward and giving myself space to find flow by adapting to moments as they arrive.

So, how do you step into the new year with energy and vibrancy and optimism? Well, maybe you don’t have to. But what I wanted to offer you was an opportunity to meet yourself as we step into the new year. To give yourself the chance to notice what it is that is present for you in this time. To ask yourself if the goals you have set for yourself are really what you want or if maybe you just need some space to be. I don’t have the answers, but I do have a practice to share.

This is [NOT] a juice cleanse.

But it will be juicy.

New this month:


Earthy roots to ground yourself into your practice.

Freshly Squeezed Orange

Freshly Squeezed and extra juicy. Expect twists. We build intensity to help rinse and wring out the spine, stimulate digestion and energise the body and mind.

Energy Shot

A practice to help you clear busy minds and stagnant energy with movement, shaking and releasing through the breath.


Strawberry - the heart fruit. A heart opening practice to help you shift anything thats sitting at the surface ready to be released.


We've been flying, floating, balancing, twisting, today, let's strip things back. A simple meditation to help you find a moment in your day.

Hard Green

Go hard or go home - we are going deep.

Banana Milkshake

A juicy and delicious yin practice to settle the nervous system and offer a deep clearing of stagnant energy. Bananasana incoming.

Hot Shot

A warming practice using breath of fire and dynamic movement to bring heat into the body.

Vital Green

A class that takes you through the essential nutrients of a practice to get you glowing from within.


When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. And when it doesn't, make lemonade anyway.

The Squeeze

A hip and shoulder opening flow building to eagle pose.

Hot Cacao

A nourishing meditation to warm you from the inside out.

vinyasa [energising]

An energising flow with a tropical feel in mind - think of that sweet juicy pineapple fruit and a little cayenne pepper kick!

Sweet Treat

The oh-so-sweet treat of the week. It's time to get comfy, cosy and pretty still as we rest and let everything land and settle.