
Something that is coming up a lot in my own practice (and therefore also in what I share) is the concept of anchoring.

But what do I really mean when I use that word or feel that sense? Is it about grounding, or centring or feeling steady or…?

The truth is that for me, right now it can be found through a few different means but the sense is always the same - anchoring for me is the sense of feeling as though you can stay centred no matter how big the waves.

I like to think of life like the waves of the ocean, with rippling ups and down. And you are in a little boat, riding the waves as they pass. The waves change in size depending on many factors but our ability to feel the rock of the boat less and less, despite the size of the waves, comes from how anchored we are. If you’re not following, I decided to make a little drawing to share a visualisation…


I mentioned  that there  are many different  practices that can help you feel  anchored - my yoga practice is  of course one of mine, but long walks, eating well and time on my own are  just some of the other tools that  support the  way I feel when the waves look big.

So often we think of these practices when we are feeling wobbly, or the waves feel too choppy, but really it’s the way we show up in our practices when the water is steady that can help support us the most. That’s not to say that you can’t reach for your practices in troubling times…you absolutely can.

I guess what I am trying to say is that we have to keep showing up. We have to practice sailing. We have to learn how to anchor ourselves in order to withstand the waves. Our boat will always rock with the water, but if we have a strong anchor, we won't capsize.

As we approach the shortest calendar month, February can often seem fleeting. It flies past us and before we know it, we’re heading out of the depths of winter, stepping into the hopefulness of spring and it’s March. Let's give ourselves the time to enjoy this month in all it’s 28 day glory. Let’s promise to try and be present for it all. It can be easy for us to rush around to get everything done but why don’t we, instead, try to focus on one thing at a time, each day as it comes. Find a way to anchor yourself into the here and now. Let’s find a strong anchor that allows us to stay steady in whatever waves we find ourselves sailing.

New this month:


A dynamic practice with a focus on balancing poses and finding your centre, moving into a gentle, calming close.


A dynamic class with options for balances and inversions whilst focusing on the breath as an anchor for awareness to keep you in the present moment.


A flow to help you cultivate a sense of presence tuning in to the breath and the. sensations of the physical experience as a path way to the subtle body experience.


A yin class that's an opportunity for you to arrive here, to get really present. We use the physical asana to anchor our awareness and give us that strong sense of presence.

Self Love

This class is all about celebrating our wonderful bodies, leaving behind anything you can't do or anything that you feel challenged by in your body and celebrating everything that your body IS able to do. Modify to suit what you need today.

meditation / breathwork

We're so thrilled to welcome back James [also known as Breathe with James] for this exclusive breathwork for relaxation class, exclusively for The Practice.

James will guide us in using our breath to down-regulate the nervous system to find relaxation and stillness.