Navigating Change

October 2020

We fight for it, and we fight it
We resist it
We welcome it and pray for it
We fear it and celebrate it

And this practice of yoga, supports us in navigating the inevitability of our experience of it. Because within you, within us, as we continuously evolve and change from a cellular level, there is a constant within us - our true nature. And that will guide you through change, always.

New this month:

Conscious Transitions
A class that releases the idea of the asana and focuses on the continuous and conscious transitions.

Joy is a Constant
Explore how we can use the constant within us when faced with the inevitable nature of change.

Allow yourself to open up to change, step into your possibility and reach your potential.

Grace & Ease
A meditation to support you ini allowing what is by cultivating a sense of grace and ease.

Comfort in Discomfort
Practice navigating feelings of fear and uncertainty that are often associated with change.