Autumn Equinox

September 2020

September, for me, always brings that 'back to school' energy. There is an anticipation at this time of year for all that might unfold, and while most people consider the calendar year as a fresh start, for me, that comes more with the 'school year'.

Over the Autumn Equinox, daylight and darkness equalise in length, and so at this time, in line with the powerful Autumn Equinox, I invite you to re-attune yourself through reflection, balance and letting fo as we move together through some beautiful practices to support ourselves as we move into the new season.

Finding Balance
An exploration of balancing, through breath, body, and intention.

Inner Reflection
A slow flow to guide you to notice.

Take the opportunity to reflect in order to move forward and grow.

Support the deep releasing of tension from the body through this yin practice.

Let Go
Observe what serves you and release what doesn’t support you.