
In a time where we are usually seeking more, this month we are exploring the concept of contentment and finding peace where we are.

We're joined again by Georgie this month for a beautiful vinyasa class that starts with a short pranayama practice to help ground us into our present space. Annie is also sharing 2 classes this month - a gentle slow flow and another inspired by happiness.

Also this month, we're welcoming the wonderful Tiffany to the studio who is bringing us a wonderfully playful vinyasa flow exploring a sense of ease in moments of challenge.

New this month:


Contentment in the context of happiness. Does your chase for happiness stop you from noticing the feeling of contentment? Instead of seeking something 'other' - what if this is what we're seeking, right here in this moment? This is something that we're exploring through our class today [and throughout the classes in May]

slow flow

This is your invitation to explore contentment through cultivating ease and ground-ness in your practice. This slow flow is here to help you consider what contentment might feel like, wherever it is that you find yourself.

Santosha ~ with Georgie

Georgie guides you through a vinyasa class inspired by the idea of contentment. We start on our backs with a gentle pranayama practice to help bring us into the moment and rest with where we are, as we are, before we move into our flow.

Play ~ with Tiffany

Tiffany guides you through a playful flow to explore a sense of ease in moments of challenge.