Eye Pillow

Eye Pillow

from £12.50


A little bundle of joy. All of the Huna sleepwear is handmade in West Wales by a team of talented makers. They use European sourced 100% natural un-dyed linen for the ultimate comfort.


A special winter edition made with hand-knitted wool and filled with dried Welsh Lavender and UK grown flax seeds.


Made from soft, sustainable linen, Welsh-grown lavender, and UK grown flax seeds. The naturally calming scent of lavender is known for its sleep-inducing qualities.

How to use
This can be heated up in the microwave and slipped under your pillowcase or just gently rets it over your eyes for total relaxation.

About Huna
Founded by best friends Bella and Ffion who grew up together on the coast of West Wales, they reunited to create sleepwear that is good for us and the planet.

All their products are ethically made using only sustainable materials. Whether it’s the fabric or elastic, packaging or delivery, every thought has been given to make sure they stay committed to being as sustainable and ethical as possible. They say; “sleep is such an important part of all of our lives, so why not feel good and do good whilst you’re sleeping?”

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