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 January [2020]

Root & Rise


I am so thrilled to be sharing the first theme of the month. Each of our practices this month have been created around the theme ‘Root & Rise’. The intention is to help us land into a new year, a new studio, a new way to practice and to hold space for our own growth by connecting to a strong sense of grounding.

Something I’ve been tuning in to a lot lately is the rebound of support that springs back from the earth when we release ourselves downwards. You can try it now - stand tall and spread your feet, relaxing the body and pouring your energy down to the ground. Tune in to a two-way communication as your pour down, feeling the support of the Earth rebounding up the body, holding you here, rooted down and rising from the Earth.

This simple sensation will be explored throughout the practices this month, whether we flow together or slow down for our yin yoga practice, connecting to the element of earth, and creating a steadiness in body and mind.

In the yoga sutras, Patanjali writes ’sthira sukham asanam’, loosely translated that the seat, or the asana, should be practiced with steadiness and ease. As with all teachings from my practice, I find that they are best translated off the mat. The pursuit of cultivating steadiness and ease which we explore on the mat is a great grounding for supporting us off the mat too, allowing us to move through our lives with that steadiness and ease that helps to root us in integrity and move from a place of balance.

I hope you enjoy exploring the practice with me this month. I look forward to connecting with you.

Annie xx


 FEBRUARY [2020]

In Your Elements


I am so thrilled to share the theme for this month is IN YOUR ELEMENTS, a journey through earth, air, fire & water to encourage balance of these subtle energies within us. I’ve always felt deeply connected to the elements and the teachings around them, and so I hope you enjoy exploring them with me this month. You will have 4 beautiful explorations, each focusing on a different element, and then a meditation connect earth, air, fire and water together.

The wisdom of the elements is honoured in many different lineages of teaching around the world through history. In a time of division and separation, I love to come back to this and feel deeply connected to all beings, nature and beyond.

In honour of the individual essence of each of these elements, I decided to create 4 playlists in stead of 2 this month so that you can be guided by music chosen to enhance your connection to each element in turn.

I hope you enjoy exploring the practice with me this month. I look forward to connecting with you.

Annie xx


MARCH [2020]

Exploring Ahimsa

Ahimsa. The first of the yamas.

Ahimsa, loosely translated to non-violence, is the first of the yamas in the teachings of yoga. This guiding principle on first look seems so simple, but when we scratch the surface it holds a wealth of teaching to explore.

 The very nature of our being is that there will be harm. Our own mortality for instance, could be perceived as an example for this. We must sustain ourselves in this lifetime and through doing so we will cause inevitable harm on the environment whether we intend to or not. Learning to forgive that of ourselves, and to reconsider our intentions as we navigate through the world is all part of following ahimsa. 

Ahimsa - Intention. Compassion. Forgiveness. Truth. Our four classes this month as we explore the richness of teaching encompassed by this seemingly simple word.


I hope you enjoy exploring the practice with me this month. I look forward to connecting with you.

Annie xx


APRIL [2020]


 It feels as if there is so much I could share right now in hope that it supports how ever you might be feeling right now and I was worried that having recorded this month's videos several weeks ago, I could have been more apt with the intention. However, I took some time to consider it all and realised that in fact, the timing for this month's series in a broader contact actually feels really right and fitting.

I've been learning a little more about Ayurveda, the sister science of yoga. Winter and early spring is the Ayurvedic kapha season, which is governed by the elements of earth and water. The qualities of these elements (heavy, cold, wet, sticky) can mean we experience stagnation in body and mind - respiratory congestion, sluggish digestion, slower metabolism, lowered immune system, winter blues - it's all part of a yearly cycle explored in these ancient systems of life science.

At this time of year, we can encourage a lifting of the downward kapha energy by introducing stimulating practices into our days. Cleansing breathing and building on the more dynamic elements of our yoga practice can help to stimulate from the inside out, encouraging increased vitality again as we head towards the spring!

With so many of us at home right now, or out of our regular routine, I feel there is a great opportunity for this sense of Spring Cleaning as we recalibrate to a new way of being, existing in simplicity and clearing out that which we don't need. And so here are our practices for the month, in the intention of Spring Cleaning. I hope you enjoy them and I look forward to hearing how you get on.


I hope you enjoy exploring the practice with me this month. I look forward to connecting with you.

Annie xx


MAY [2020]



 This month, I invite you to come into a practice of moving through layers to find a greater sense of connection.

When we filmed these classes, the world looked very different to how it does right now, and for many of us, what we need is a little different. And yet the intention is still so fitting - it’s funny how it always seems to work out that way…

In each class, we will use repetition in movement, or in focus, to allow the body to slowly unravel, shedding layers of tension and bringing ourselves deeper and deeper in towards our centre, our truth. At a time where there is turbulence around us, we can tune in to this centre as an anchor for our own sense of clarity, finding a depth, a rhythm and an experience that meets us where we are in the moment.

I have found so much power in the exploration of layers and I hope it resonates with you too. The beauty of it is that you can build and build or shed and shed and soften in to each practice as a new experience as you find depth and space. I invite you to step in slowly, to feel your way through, and let where you are be enough each time you step onto your mat. And for those of you craving something a little more dynamic to help shift stagnant energy at this time, you will find the opportunity is there to move a little more strongly this month…only if you choose to of course.


I hope you enjoy exploring the practice with me this month. I look forward to connecting with you.

Annie xx


june [2020]


This month is all about exploring movement at different paces to connect to our own sense of rhythm and flow as we move and breathe. I have always enjoyed the freedom of moving in different ways on different days, and so this month, I wanted to open up the possibility to practice at YOUR pace.

Each of the flows are set around a similar movement framework - so you will find a sense of familiarity threaded through each - but the way in which we move in each practice will be different, giving you plenty of opportunity to choose and explore in a way that serves you best.

I invite you to take the opportunity to really tune in to what you need before choosing class, perhaps even using the meditation first to help you gather information about the body, mind and breath so that you can move beyond impulse and truly connect to what is the most nurturing space for you in that moment.

The yin class will follow the same framework too, so I hope it helps you to create some stillness whilst still feeling in connection to the physical elements of this months classes.


I hope you enjoy exploring the practice with me this month. I look forward to connecting with you.

Annie xx


july [2020]



This month, I have taken 4 quotes to explore through practice. Each of them gives a theme that we unravel throughout the class, from non-judgment to transcending judgement and lowering down our barriers to love.

From an anatomical perspective, each class focuses in different ways on opening up the front body as we connect in to the heart centre. It can be intense, to place so much focus on one aspect of the body, and so I invite you to approach this month with caution. And trust in your intuition to pace yourself how it feels right. Take time to journal and reflect, and know that you can always come back to earth at any time if it feels too much. It’s such a beautiful experience to feel, and so maybe this month will initiate lots of that, but maybe it won’t. Non-attachment, non-judgement, let it be what it is.

This month, we are trying out a new format for the meditation. While it will still be on the website as a video, there will not be an actual video attached. Of course, with the meditations, we don’t really need a visual reference and so we wanted to make the most of the podcasting microphone we have to upgrade the sound quality of the meditation even more! So, this way, you can press play and you can tune in without any distractions. I hope you enjoy it - and please do send your feedback!


I hope you enjoy exploring the practice with me this month. I look forward to connecting with you.

Annie xx


AUGUST [2020]



This month we are exploring our fullest expression, through practices that allow our bodies and mind to unfurl as we explore. Day to day, our expression and energy can differ, and so this month our practices have been created to support you each time you step on the mat in that exploration.

There is quite a focus on hips and hamstrings this month so I hope you enjoy taking the time to really dive into stretching and strengthening these parts of the body.

You’ll notice that the set up is a little different this month - I can’t wait to hear what you think! The classes are ever so slightly shorter this month, as I noticed that most of you are opting for shorter classes a lot at the moment. Don’t worry - they are still holistic and will feel ‘full’, so I hope you are able to make space to enjoy them around whatever else you have going on in August!


I hope you enjoy exploring the practice with me this month. I look forward to connecting with you.

Annie xx


september [2020]


September, for me, always brings that 'back to school' energy. There is an anticipation at this time of year for all that might unfold, and while most people consider the calendar year as a fresh start, for me, that comes more with the 'school year'. Over the Autumn Equinox, daylight and darkness equalise in length, and so at this time, in line with the powerful Autumn Equinox, I invite you to re-attune yourself through reflection, balance and letting fo as we move together through some beautiful practices to support ourselves as we move into the new season.


I hope you enjoy exploring the practice with me this month. I look forward to connecting with you.

Annie xx


october [2020]


We fight for it, and we fight it
We resist it
We welcome it and pray for it
We fear it and celebrate it

And this practice of yoga, supports us in navigating the inevitability of our experience of it. Because within you, within us, as we continuously evolve and change from a cellular level, there is a constant within us - our true nature. And that will guide you through change, always.


I hope you enjoy exploring the practice with me this month. I look forward to connecting with you.

Annie xx




My offering to you this month on The Practice is all about an invitation to turning inwards, listening deeply, and slowing down. As the winter closes in, it’s something I often feel invited to tune into and so I’m extending that invitation on to you this month in the hope that you can tap into this slower pace, too.


I hope you enjoy exploring the practice with me this month. I look forward to connecting with you.

Annie xx




As we round off a year together in the studio, I have a deep sense of appreciation for the strength of our community.
This month, we will be using the physicality of the practice to connect to our personal and collective strength as a reminder of all that we are.


There are 3 playlists this month - I hope you love them as much as I do.

I hope you enjoy exploring the practice with me this month. I look forward to connecting with you.

Annie xx




This month, we will be exploring Mandala Vinyasa Yoga. If you’re not familiar with it, in these classes, we integrate the spiral patterns of nature. As there is never perfection nor straight lines in nature, we explore circular movements with your body, moving around all four corners of the mat in 360 degrees. Each of the four classes will be built upon the four elements; earth, water, fire, and air. It’s a different kind of exploration of our asana practice and I really hope you enjoy it!

I hope you enjoy exploring the practice with me this month. I look forward to connecting with you.

Annie xx

Check back soon for this months mediation!




Live with love is our exploration of moving and breathing and being in connection with and guidance from the heart. We move with gentle, nurturing flows to bring. us out of the head and into the heart. It isn't all 'big back bends' and 'deep heart openers' but a gentle set of offerings to cultivate an alignment and recalibration with the compassionate centre of our being.

I hope you enjoy exploring the practice with me this month. I look forward to connecting with you.

Annie xx



Movement Modality

This month we are using different approaches to movement in each of our classes to explore how the tissues and subtle energy in our bodies respond as we pulse, wave, flow or hold.

I love working with this kind of movement exploration and considering how I can offer different modalities to support myself in many ways through practice. I hope you enjoy exploring these over the course of the month and beyond as a pathway for exploring the subtle shifts we can create by offering variety and exploration to the way in which we show up in practice.

I hope you enjoy exploring the practice with me this month. I look forward to connecting with you.

Annie xx



Sun Moon Earth Sky

This month is all about attuning to the natural rhythm of all that is around us and within us. I've created 4 classes to honour the earth, the moon, the sun, and the sky. These beautiful opposing yet complimentary interconnected aspects of our life here on Earth.

Following lots of requests for shorter classes, this month I have created a pair of classes [moon and earth] that can be practiced on their own or together, one following the other.

I hope this allows you to get really flexible with your practice and this it supports you in finding more opportunities to get on to your mat and explore.

I hope you enjoy exploring the practice with me this month. I look forward to connecting with you.

Annie xx


The Practice Facebook Group

Looking to engage with The Practice community? Come and join our private Facebook Group.

Often things can unfold from a thread or a thought and that might look different to each of us, so sharing is always a wonderful way to expand our thinking and offer a broader exploration!

The space is yours to engage with however you like - share your thoughts, your questions, or anything else you think might be of interest. It’s always good to hear from you.



And Breathe

Every single breath we take brings opportunity, to renew, to adjust, to let go, to invite in... and yet at this time of year, where social calendars may start to look a little busier, it is so easy to forget what power is held there in that breath. So this month is all about creating space to breathe, both in your schedule, and in your being!

We are also welcoming our first ever guest teacher, James Dowler. James is a breathwork coach who has been integral to my own practice over the last year. Some of you may know him already, but if you haven't experienced his work, I can't wait for you to.

Remember to stay in connection with our community. You can find more on @thisis_thepractice and don't forget to tag @annieclarke_ @thisis_thepractice #thisisthepractice on social media.

There is so much power in your breath. Let's harness it!

Annie xx


The Practice Facebook Group

Looking to engage with The Practice community? Come and join our private Facebook Group.

Often things can unfold from a thread or a thought and that might look different to each of us, so sharing is always a wonderful way to expand our thinking and offer a broader exploration!

The space is yours to engage with however you like - share your thoughts, your questions, or anything else you think might be of interest. It’s always good to hear from you.