January [2020]
Root & Rise
I am so thrilled to be sharing the first theme of the month. Each of our practices this month have been created around the theme ‘Root & Rise’. The intention is to help us land into a new year, a new studio, a new way to practice and to hold space for our own growth by connecting to a strong sense of grounding.
Something I’ve been tuning in to a lot lately is the rebound of support that springs back from the earth when we release ourselves downwards. You can try it now - stand tall and spread your feet, relaxing the body and pouring your energy down to the ground. Tune in to a two-way communication as your pour down, feeling the support of the Earth rebounding up the body, holding you here, rooted down and rising from the Earth.
This simple sensation will be explored throughout the practices this month, whether we flow together or slow down for our yin yoga practice, connecting to the element of earth, and creating a steadiness in body and mind.
In the yoga sutras, Patanjali writes ’sthira sukham asanam’, loosely translated that the seat, or the asana, should be practiced with steadiness and ease. As with all teachings from my practice, I find that they are best translated off the mat. The pursuit of cultivating steadiness and ease which we explore on the mat is a great grounding for supporting us off the mat too, allowing us to move through our lives with that steadiness and ease that helps to root us in integrity and move from a place of balance.
I hope you enjoy exploring the practice with me this month. I look forward to connecting with you.
A mandala vinyasa, moving around the mat in spiralling motions to honour and connect to the earth element.